Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How do I restrict User Config GPO Software Installation on certain computers?

I have a custom piece of software at my business that I’m trying to install using a GPO. I have it currently set under Computer Configuration > Software Installation. And this works well, but the users at our business can go DAYS without restarting their computers. This could lead to it being days before getting the initial installation and/or subsequent installs afterwards. The only workaround for this I found is to use a script to force restart all applicable computers.

Using the User Configuration > Software Installation would guarantee that the software would be installed/updated within 2 hours max, but I have a little hitch with this. I don’t want the program to be installed/run on certain computers. (Mainly Servers)

I’m wanting to know if there’s a way to use the User Policy Software Installation mechanism, but restrict it from installing if applicable users are on a specific computer?