Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to add a user that has full control only to a web accessible folder in Centos

I have created a subdomain in cPanel which is intended for web access, so cPanel added this subdomain to Apache automatically so that I don’t have to worry about that.

The created folder is this one:

drwxr-x--- 4 someuser nobody 4096 Jul  1 13:37 mynewsite

someuser is the cPanel user which I used to create the subdomain. That way, if I add web files to mynewsite I can access them using the subdomain in the URL.

Of course, if I connect to the server using root user or someuser user I can upload, remove or modify files.

Now the problem. I need to allow a developer of mine to develop the web site in that folder. So, he has to be able to upload, modify and to remove files from that folder.

How do you recomend to do that so he only has access to that folder? I have created a new user (using useradd) but how can I add permissions only to that folder without affecting the access to Apache?

This is CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
