Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to archive usenet server content and serve as webpage with threads?

My company still has on old usenet server. Posting is disabled for quite sometime. Now we want to shutdown the server and archive the content.

For purely archiving and serving the content I’ve found https://github.com/powercrypt/Usenet-Archiving-Tool
It does even serve the content as webpage. However there is no grouping into threads.

So I’m looking for a software which can download and serve the messages grouped into threads. At https://www.heise.de/forum/heise-online/Kommentare/Anonymisierungsdienst-Russland-zensiert-das-Tor-Netzwerk/forum-486591/comment/ you can see messages grouped into threads for user comments. Like that way I’m looking for a software.