Sheet A (customers)
Over 2,000 customer listed
- 07.001 is the first customer with the last name beginning with “G”
- 07.056 is the 56th customer with the last name beginning with “G”
Sheet B (invoices)
Label | Cell | Value |
Customer No | B317 | 07.056 |
Project No | J317 | 3510 |
Invoice No | A317 | 4620 |
Sheet C (ledger entry)
=CONCATENATE(‘Sheet B’!B317,”-“,’Sheet B’!J317,” “,’Sheet B’!A317)
7.056-3510 4620
07.056-3510 4620
Within Sheet C, how to format the link to: ‘Sheet B’!B317
to include the leading zero?
I’ve read numerous solutions that reference using the TEXT function, but I cannot figure-out how to apply it to my situation on Sheet C, or even if that is the simplest solution.