Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to continue using msmtp OAuth 2.0 for Gmail in mutt after oob deprecation?


For two years I’ve been happily accessing my Gmail accounts with neomutt.

I’m sync’ing between neomutt locally and my online Gmail account with mbsync and a “2-Step Verification” app password (Sign in with App Passwords).

sending email with msmtp, until now

To send a Gmail with neomutt is trickier, because msmtp requires an unexpired token from the Gmail API. Fortunately GitHub user tenllado provided the only working open-source solution that I’ve been able to find, his script oauth2token. I adapted it as oauth2tool.sh. The steps for this to function are:

1 prepare – get my Gmail OAuth 2.0 credentials

  1. Use Gmail API’s Python Quickstart to get my credentials, which look like this:
    • my Client ID: xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com
    • my Client Secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. Grab a copy of oauth2.py (Code “the refresh token lasts indefinitely”).
  3. Get the immortal refresh token: $ python2 oauth2.py --user=my@gmail.com --client_id=<myCI> --client_secret=<myCS> --generate_oauth2_token and follow the instructions. It looks like this:
    • refresh token: 1//03xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2 prepare – configure msmtprc

account my
auth oauthbearer
host smtp.gmail.com
port 587
from my@gmail.com
user my@gmail.com
passwordeval bash oauth2tool.sh my

3 use – send emails from the command line, until now

Then, when I send an email echo "test" | msmtp -a my <target_email>, my oauth2tool.sh pulls up a valid token. The way it does this is it grabs the token with pass if it’s not expired, otherwise it grabs a new one with python2 oauth2.py --user=my@gmail.com --client_id=<myCI> --client_secret=<myCS> --refresh_token=<myRT>.

With all this, I could easily send emails from my Gmail accounts from the command line, until now.

now, oob is no longer allowed

Now my once immortal refresh tokens are being expired, and I can’t renew them because Gmail’s oauth2.py is using redirect_uri = urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob, which is deprecated.

Making Google OAuth interactions safer by using more secure OAuth flowsOAuth out-of-band (oob) flow will be deprecated”.

How to continue sending with msmtp?

OAuth 2.0 for Mobile & Desktop Apps “Loopback IP address (macOS, Linux, Windows desktop)” seems to be the way forward, but I’d need a few weeks of free time, which I don’t have, to figure out how. Any ideas out there?

Related question: Google Cloud: OAuth clients in test mode that are using the OAuth OOB flow.