Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to edit the error message when a customer login is incorrect

While there are many posts with this exact question, none of the answers are helpful in the slightest. People are linking file sources as if I have access to each individual file on the website. All I can do is log in to Magento through a web browser. I do not have file access and there is no documentation anywhere within Magento on how to establish file access. My ECC access permits adding Documents and Images, I do not have access to the all files like I should with literally any other website in existence.

How the hell do I change the text “The account sign-in was incorrect or your account is disabled temporarily. Please wait and try again later.” through the web view? We don’t disable accounts. We never have. This message makes ZERO sense and should never have been set as the default message. We get DAILY calls from people thinking their account is disabled because you set this.

Seriously disappointing that this isn’t just a text box in the B2B config options. Such a stupidly simple thing to change. If you’re going to sell us a web view of everything, that web view better be able to do every single thing your original could.