How to get all the roles created for a company account using API

I am using Adobe commerce ver. 2.4.6-p8. I installed b2b plugin to get B2B features.
Now, I want to get all the roles created for a company using a REST API endpoint.

There is an API endpoint available which returns all roles of all companies.


When I checked the webapi.xml file of company module, I found below.

<route url="/V1/company/role/" method="GET">
    <service class="MagentoCompanyApiRoleRepositoryInterface" method="getList"/>
        <resource ref="Magento_Company::company"/>

Here, resource reference is added as Magento_Company::company But there is no resource id added with this name in acl.xml

<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Acl/etc/acl.xsd">
            <resource id="Magento_Backend::admin">
                <resource id="Magento_Customer::customer">
                    <resource id="Magento_Company::index" title="Companies" translate="title" sortOrder="100">
                        <resource id="Magento_Company::manage" title="Manage Companies" translate="title" sortOrder="10">
                            <resource id="Magento_Company::add" title="Add New Company" translate="title" sortOrder="10"/>
                            <resource id="Magento_Company::delete" title="Delete Company" translate="title" sortOrder="20"/>
                <resource id="Magento_Backend::stores">
                    <resource id="Magento_Backend::stores_settings">
                        <resource id="Magento_Config::config">
                            <resource id="Magento_Company::config_company" title="Company Configuration Section" translate="title" sortOrder="110"/>

Due to this reason, when I use Integration tokens with my API request, it throws me error that the user is not authorized, even if my integration has all the resources assigned.

    "message": "The consumer isn't authorized to access %resources.",
    "parameters": {
        "resources": "Magento_Company::company"

enter image description here

This API only works when I use my master admin credentials and generate an authentication token. Or any other user who has “Magento_Backend:all” resource assigned.

Its not just for this single API endpoint, this resource is assigned to many other webapi endpoints in webapi.xml file inside company module. Did they miss to add Magento_Company::company resource in acl.xml or am I doing something wrong?