Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to provided a separate linking environment for a daemon

I have this piece of software I’m required to install on my workstation. Let’s call it “Yeti repellent”. It supports OpenSUSE 15.3, but I am running Tumbleweed. I install the Yeti repellent and start the daemon, and it starts up! But something possessed me to check that all the binaries actually worked. I discovered that one of the binaries did, indeed, not work. So I I put /path/to/yeti-repellent/lib/ into yeti.conf and drop it in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/. Now Yeti repellent works! And zypper is broken! So how I can isolate Yeti repellent for the purposes of linking without running it in a chroot or container? The daemon is managed by Systemd, so maybe I can isolate it that way?