Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to show price for out of stock bundled products?

when bundled products are out of stock(the individual items) the price on the frontend shows:0.00 in Magento 2.3.4

I poked around in: vendor/magento/module-bundle/Pricing/Price/FinalPrice.php

public function getAmount()

  public function getAmount()
    if (!$this->minimalPrice) {
        $price = parent::getValue();
        if ($this->product->getPriceType() == Price::PRICE_TYPE_FIXED) {
            /** @var MagentoCatalogPricingPriceCustomOptionPrice $customOptionPrice */
            $customOptionPrice = $this->priceInfo->getPrice(CustomOptionPrice::PRICE_CODE);
            $price += $customOptionPrice->getCustomOptionRange(true);
        $this->minimalPrice = $this->calculator->getAmount($price, $this->product);
    return $this->minimalPrice;

$price returns 0.

Anyone has an idea how to get the regular price to show on frontend instead of 0 for out of bundled products with out of stock items?
