Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Why does a custom prompt on Linux (debian server) not work as expected [duplicate]

I am setting up a server (Debian) in Virtualbox, I am customizing the prompt, but I have a problem. When I write in the prompt customization, it is malformed.

enter image description here

This happens when I write in the prompt, this overwrites the prompt or when I do enter or the key (arrow up/arrow down). Why?

My configuration is the follow:

PS1='33[1;37mH($(hostname -I | grep -E -o "192.168.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}")) [33[1;31mu33[1;37m] < @> 33[1;34mw33[1;37m >> '

enter image description here

enter image description here

Why does it happen? How to can I can solve it?