i hope you can help me with my small request for help 🙂 so i am not a linux user i am a simply an owner of a magento webstore which needs help … my linux server administrator wonts to charge me for all the bullshit so im getting tired of this 🙂
Currently i am facing an issue on how to properly backup my magento mysql files from my local server to remote FTP backup server.
current backup is already done at local disk but if by any harmful events the disk gets damaged i lose the data… so i need to make an automatic script to also copy the files to remote FTP backup server…
so the script for mysql local backup is pretty simple and it is in bash below is code:
date=date +"%d-%m-%y-%T"
mysqldump –single-transaction –routines –triggers magento_mv | gzip -9 > /mnt/backup/database/magento_mv-$date.sql.gz
current folder with the mysql backup looks like this : https://ibb.co/SQpVnWR
so now i would wont to make an automatic script to check this folder /mnt/backup/database/ and to upload last 5 files of backup sql.gz it should check this via DATE and upload them
to remote FTP backup and also each time it would do this it would erase previous *.sql.gz on the FTP ! this should be done daily
is this possible to do ?
another thing which i am facing is the backup of my public_html – magento directory the problem is my media folder is about 120 GB of pictures… what would be the best method to backup this ? since its soo many data and filenames?
is it better to tar.gz the files – pictures before uploading to the remote FTP ? ore this doesnt have any inpact on speed of uploading data to the remote FTP ? because i have an issue also with disk space on this DEDICATED SERVER…
i also forgot to say that my remote backup FTP offers following features:
WebDAV support enable
Samba support enable
SSH support enable
External reachability enable
Display snapshot directory enable
thanks for your time & help i apriciate it.