Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

In bash, how to quote a string for using as argument in the “history -s” command, if the string has embedded single quotes and double quotes?

The aim is to put my command

aptitude search '?name(ABC)'

into the history list without executing it.

The existent means for this is

history -s XYZ

But what when the argument is the above command and addtionally has embedded double quotes.

My way in the momemt is to first replace in the command the single quotes with a chosen token, e.g.


Then in my bash script to use these commands:

history -s 'aptitude search SSSSquote?name(ABC)SSSSquote'

fc -s SSSSquote=' -1 >/dev/null

Thus, after it is brougt into the history list, fc does alter the history line and replce the token SSSSquote back to single quotes.

The drawback is that fc executes the history line which it alters.

Do you know a general way without this drawback and for more complicated cases.

I am dreamimg up if perl could be involved with its quoting operators q().

