I use Kubuntu 20.04 and KNOPPIX 9.1, and always the KDE desktop, and under Konsole 15 windows with shell bash in each.
I always have two levels of bash: the first level which automatically is created for user, e.g. knoppix, and a second level, which I create for user “root”.
The windows and the shells in them have two essential names with attached numbers, e.g. “Konsole-2”, “/dev/pts/1”.
When it happens that a bash crashes, the bash vanishes without writing its history list to the history file.
And the window of Konsole is closed.
In order to restore the former state, I open a new window under Konsole, a shell become running etc.
Now the essential events:
Most often good ghosts make sure that “Konsole-n” and “/dev/pts/nn”, resp., after restore have the same numbers as before crash.
This causes that bash has again the history list of state before crash. So I can continue my work.
But today, as it very seldom happens: “Konsole-n” has the same number as before of crash, but “/dev/pts/nn” is a totally different number. It is a nummber from some tests 2 weeks ago. An the history list is that of the former tests.
So I am in need: how can I acchieve a new creted shell bash to get the number “/dev/pts/nn” of before the crash.
It may be that my update actions had caused that the pts numbers are intentionally not repeated but taken new numbers.
Regards, 21.01.2023 21:32