Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

In WSL2 how can I, from the Windows side, access my \wsl.localhostUbuntu as case-insensitive?

So I’m running an app on the Windows side and I want that app to access a Linux file. I see all the Linux files there at:


But the Windows app is going to use either case for any file because it’s programmed for case insensitive. It never thought it would be running on a case sensitive filesystem.

So my Windows App will find file \wsl.localhostUbuntuFooBar.txt and later attempt to access file \wsl.localhostUbuntuFOOBAR.TXT then wonder why it cannot find the file it was looking for.

The solution here didn’t work: Adjust case sensitivity. And whoever wrote it was never clear about which side was trying to access which side’s file for each solution. I tried the one where you set something up in wsl.conf then reboot WSL and it did NOT allow me to access \wsl.localhostUbuntuFooBar.txt by typing \wsl.localhostUbuntuFOOBAR.TXT.