Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Magenerds Baseprice not working in Magento 2.4.6?

I am using Magenerds Baseprice in my shop. It worked in version 2.3, in 2.4.6 it stopped working – the base price is not updated on swatch change. I tracked it down to vendormagenerdsbasepriceviewfrontendtemplatesconfigurableafterprice.phtml.

The options var is undefined: var options = _.object(_.keys(swatchWidget.optionsMap), {});

And I guess thats the reason why result is also undefined: result = swatchWidget.options.jsonConfig.optionPrices[_.findKey(swatchWidget.options.jsonConfig.index, options)];

Maybe in 2.4.6 the structure changed and so the options can not be read like in 2.3. Any idea how to fix that?
