Magento 2.3.3 Varnish Cache invalidating and auto purging every 10 minutes

I have just implemented Varnish 6.0 on our Magento 2.3.3 install, everything seems to be working fine except our magento cache/varnish cache is being flushed by Magento every 10 minutes.

I can see cache a lot of cache invalidate entires in debug.log. Obviously this is no good for Varnish implementation with it being purged every 10 minutes. I have disconnected the purge connection between Magento and Varnish via env.php now we have Varnish caching long and not being purged by Magento every 10 minutes but no option to manually purge through magento admin.

We have a few third party extensions installed but debug.log does not give us any indication as to which module is triggering the invalidation.

Does anyone have any similar experience or know where to start in debugging this issue?
