Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Magento 2.4.3 Invalid block type: MagentoBackendBlockOrderCreateForm

I upgraded the Magento Version 2.4.3, in the Admin Sales-Create New Order, I am getting the error of

2 exception(s):
Exception #0 (MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException): Invalid block type: MagentoBackendBlockOrderCreateForm
Exception #1 (ReflectionException): Class MagentoBackendBlockOrderCreateForm does not exist

But when I search this block in my App-Code, I don’t have any block used with this name, anywhere in my custom modules.

I have only used the OrderCreateForm in one of my custom module in di.xml

di.xml code

<type name="MagentoSalesBlockAdminhtmlOrderCreateFormAccount">
    <plugin name="after_order_create_comment" type="CustomModulePluginSalesBlockAdminhtmlOrderCreateGallerySchool" sortOrder="10"/>

And calling in CustomModulePluginSalesBlockAdminhtmlOrderCreateGallerySchool


<?php namespace SFCSchoolPluginSalesBlockAdminhtmlOrderCreate;

class GallerySchool
    public function afterToHtml(MagentoSalesBlockAdminhtmlOrderCreateFormAccount $subject, $html)
        $newBlockHtml = $subject->getLayout()->createBlock('MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplate')->setTemplate('SFC_School::gallerylist.phtml')->toHtml();

        return $html.$newBlockHtml;

But After removing both codes, still the issue remains the same. There is nothing in DB also with this block name. The same code is working fine with the Magento lower versions

Anyone, please help me to fix this issue.
Thanks in Advance!