Magento 2 Bulk Product Update via API

I’m trying to achieve a bulk update of products via the Magento (2.4.4) API. I’ve been following a guide here Magento 2 : How to update qty and stock status using API for multiple products?

However it seems somewhat counter intuative. Individual products can be updated via a simple call to the /rest/all/V1/products/sku endpoint just by specifying the SKU but with the bulk update the article suggests that the endpoint /rest/all/async/bulk/V1/products/byProductSku/stockItems/byItemId
must be used. I therefore need to specify the ItemId of the sku in the request and to do this I have to get each indivdual sku and read the response to retrieve the id.. I have MSI modules disabled as its a complete pain..

Is there an endpoint that can handle bulk requests by just specifying only the sku? ( I’ve tried /rest/all/async/bulk/V1/products/bySku no joy..)

keep getting an internal server error response