Magento 2: Get / Set Category Product Position

How does one programmatically get and set the position of a product within a category?

$category_id = 101;
$query = "SELECT product_id, position
          FROM catalog_category_product
          WHERE category_id = $category_id";

$query = mysqli_query($link, $query);

while ($q = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
    $product_id = $q['product_id'];
    $position = $q['position'];
    echo $product_id." - ".$position."
"; }

The above code gets the product ID and position of each product in a category through an SQL query, but how can this same result be accomplished through Magento’s Object Manager? For example:

$objectManager = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();
$category_id = 101;
$category = $objectManager->create('MagentoCatalogModelCategory')->load($category_id);

$category_products = $category->getProducts(); //PSEUDOCODE

foreach ($category_products as $product) {     //PSEUDOCODE
    echo $product->getPosition();              //PSEUDOCODE
}                                              //PSEUDOCODE

I’ve asked this question nearly half a dozen times here in every different way imaginable. It seems that even the most expert Magento 2 developers have no clue how to accomplish this result which was rather simple in Magento 1.