Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

May i set Nginx for SSL encryption and use at the same time Magento 2 setup with Varnish and Apache?

I have currently the following setup:
Magento 2.4.3 with Varnish cache and Apache Web server

  • Varnish is set to port 80
  • Apache is set to port 8081

Seems like both services are set correctly as checking for usage port return both Apache to use 8081 for all sites and Varnish is using 80.
I do not have visible X:Varnish in my headers and i believe the reason for that is the module ‘headers’ from Apache is not enabled if i am not wrong.
For sure every change now in Magento environment requires Varnish to be restarted to index the change (i hope that means the service is running).
By the test run in PageSpeed Insights (seems like only images are not cached, but they are heavily optimized ranging by size from 20-40kb – my store have by average performance score for mobile 65-75 and for desktop 93-98 reported again by unmentioned service. Still i am without certificate and “Best Practices” is the only segment with score in yellow (80-81)
enter image description here

My question and need for your help is for the following:
I want to use Nginx for the SSL or HTTPS traffic as currently my store is running only in http without certificate (due to my inability to set it – i follow several instructions and every time i ruin my setup and my website goes down from public visibility).

How can i setup and configure in addition to the current working environment NGINX just for the encryption (i followed several instructions found in the web but still did not manage to execute it correctly.

What should i do? May someone give me instructions step by step (for a dummy like me) to set Nginx to read my certificate and execute https traffic?