Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Multiple networks on a single switch, or a router?

I have a few ubuntu machines that I want to put on a switch/router. I want to access these machines via the following methods:

  • LAN, this is as easy as plugging in the LAN cable to the switch
  • AP, using one of those wireless AP adapters to create a new wireless network, which then plugs into the switch as a network
  • Direct Eth, I connect my laptop straight into the switch to talk to the other machines.

All of the three are easy to accomplish alone. But I have some questions on what I need to do to make all 3 work together seamlessly. That is, if the AP is always connected, but the LAN and direct eth are not. Can the switch immediately reroute everything to the LAN if I plug in the LAN or direct Eth? If neither LAN or direct are connected. It automatically uses the AP.

A few caveats:

  • AP ip is static
  • AP is always connected to the switch. Anytime LAN or direct is
    connect, they should be prioritize over AP.
  • Direct eth ip is static
  • LAN should be dynamic and work with any network
  • Note that the LAN and direct eth cannot both be plugged in.

What is the best way to do this? Subnetting with a router or VLAN. Or just VLAN with a switch?