Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

New external hard drive has software installed in it and I’m not sure if I can format it without bricking it

I bought a new hard drive and to my surprise it has software installed in it.
Hard drive contents

I tried to copy stuff inside but due to it having a different filesystem, there were some issues with allowed names and then I could barely delete stuff in it: it took so long just to permanently delete an empty folder.

I think the solution to all this is formatting to my filesystem: ext4.

I’m pretty sure I can format it however I please but I’m overthinking it due to being aware that these devices run a operating system of their own and I’m afraid to break it, although it’s probably untouchable as firmware.

To add to my doubts, there’s a 4MiB unallocated partition.

Can I delete it or is it some kind of metadata about the hard drive? Probably not, but I’m left wondering what it is:

Gparted output

I really don’t want to brick a brand new device.