Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

No gain with CompactOS on Windows 10

I am on a Windows 10 Home machine (that has been updated over a Windows 7 Home edition years ago) with Intel Core i3-10105F and 32GB RAM.

Since my HDD space is pretty full everywhere I have started to use compact.exe for most folders. Gain was usually very good with ratios between (approx. from memory) 1.1 and 3.4.

Since I only have 265MB free on my system-disk (120GB SSD) I wanted to use the compression of system files and issued a

compact.exe /compactos:always

as Administrator. The result was (translation from German locale mine):

38224 files in 76694 folders were compressed.
988.171.754 Databytes are saved in 986.161.271 Bytes.
Compression-ratio is 1,0 to 1.

What could be the reason for this, barely noticeable, result? I don’t think it is the low disk-space I currently have, because, to my experience, the compact.exe program works pretty well in such low-space situations and should, gradually, free more and more space.

Thank you.