Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

what process is calling `watchexec` in monterey (macos 12.1)?

After a routine reboot of Monterey (macOS 12.1) without having performed any software updates, I was asked to approve access for watchexec to various system locations such as ~/Documents and ~/Desktop but also my photos library, reminders and contacts. I checked console.app to see if I could determine what process was invoking watchexec but I couldn’t find anything. Since I haven’t seen this before and haven’t been asked about this before, I am curious what this could be.

I have a suspicion that watchexec would have been installed as a dependency of something that I might’ve installed through homebrew, but I am not certain and I am not sure how to find that out–and if that is the case, I am not sure why it would’ve needed access to the locations to which it requested access. Any ideas?