Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Node.js runs fine with alias but not /usr/bin/node?

When I do /usr/bin/node /root/twitch/dakbot/bot.js it gives me an error about a module.

It seems whatever dependency that one of my requires uses is incompatible with an old version of node. So I did sudo npm install -g n and sudo n latest.

Now Im on node 16.16.0 on ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Now when I do node /root/twitch/dakbot/bot.js it runs fine without error. But when I try to do /usr/bin/node /root/twitch/dakbot/bot.js or /usr/bin/nodejs /root/twitch/dakbot/bot.js it gives me the same error it was giving originally.

Why doesnt /usr/bin/node or /usr/bin/nodejs use the correct version of node but node /root/twitch/dakbot/bot.js does? I’m trying to set up supervisord to keep 3 different node scripts running but I cant get them to start because of this.