Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Why Explorer don’t use available icon sub-image for DPI scaling?

I made custom icon for text files. I use 150% scaling factor. Here is how icon looks in Explorer (table view):

enter image description here

Zoomed image:

enter image description here

On the left is actual appearance of the icon, on the right is how it suppose to look. On 100% scale icons in table view are 16×16 pixels (same as list view). 16 * 1.5 = 24. I have 24×24 icon embeded into .ico file, along with other sizes. Why Shell still messes it up completely? Can this be fixed somehow? How can I force Explorer to use 24×24 icon as it is?

Also, notice that distance between lines in original icons are the same, yet the actual result has bottom line with much bigger gap. What is even going on?