Given an array A[] of length N and integer F, the task is to find the number of subsequences where the average of the sum… Read More
The post Number of subsequences of an array with given function value appeared first on GeeksforGeeks.
Given an array A[] of length N and integer F, the task is to find the number of subsequences where the average of the sum… Read More
The post Number of subsequences of an array with given function value appeared first on GeeksforGeeks.
Are we supposed to remove reference of pub from line 67,102,206 of VCL like we remove from line 13 if the Magento […]
module.xml <?xml version=”1.0″?> <config xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”../../../../../lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Module/etc/module.xsd”> <module name=”Magetrend_Custom” schema_version=”2.0.0″ setup_version=”2.0.0″> <sequence> <module name=”Magetrend_Email”/> </sequence> </module> </config> registration.php <?php MagentoFrameworkComponentComponentRegistrar::register( MagentoFrameworkComponentComponentRegistrar::MODULE, ‘Magetrend_Custom’, __DIR__ […]
I am currently using Linode Virtual Server. I have it set to auto backup nightly which is working fine. What I am […]
I sold three items 136,50 100,00 76,00 For a Total of 312,50 € The customer applied a fixed amount discount code for […]