Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

On Windows, Apache service fails to start: SSLCertificateFile: Invalid file path

On Windows Server 2019, my Apache 2.4 service fails to start.
The application logs tells me:

The Apache service named reported the following error:

SSLCertificateFile: Invalid file path C:Certbotlivewww.mydomain.comcert.pem .

If I try to start Apache from CMD, it works:

C:Apache24binhttpd.exe -t
Syntax OK


runs fine and web site is accessible…

In my virtual host definition, I have a line saying:

SSLCertificateFile "C:Certbotlivewww.mydomain.comcert.pem"

This file is a symlink to C:Certbotarchivewww.mydomain.comcert2.pem

I think I have a permission problem, as running manualy from CMD as Adminstrator works, but the Apache service runs as LocalSystem which is supposed to have full access, so… I’m lost.

Disclaimer: I’m a Linux guy, Windows is quite hostile to me 🙂

Any idea how to troubleshoot and fix this ?