Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Possible faulty PSU?

I had power ran out on me on Sunday while the PC was on and since the the OS (Windows 10) kept losing power as soon as I put stress on it. Not shutting down, losing power and then rebooting. I looked up online and people say it was most likely an overheating issue. I check every sensor, logged in every temp, nothing out of the ordinary. Tried it today again, put some stress on the system now I can’t really get it too boot Windows properly, it looses power before even I can log in.

When I enter the bios (MB Asus Prime z790-A) every temp seems okay but… The 12V rail on the PSU is waaaay above 12V (PSU Values). Now is this the issue that’s causing the system to lose power? Is it as easy as replace the PSU (Corsair RB 850w)?

The entire hardware is a month old, can realistically a blackout cause a brand new PSU to go bad as quickly as that? I had a generic 650w that’s still kicking after 5 years and a Corsair goes out like this? Is this my issue or am I missing something?