Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

REST call to change store level attribute values remove “Use Default Value” settings on other attributes

I am working on a Magento 2.3 site that has a number of different stores. If I look at the details of a particular product in a particular store in the admin screens, I can see that some of the attributes have the “Use Default Values” box checked and some don’t, as required.

I am trying to use REST to modify a product attribute in a particular store:
https://MyMagentoSite/rest/{store name}/V1/products (with a POST), or
https://MyMagentoSite/rest/{store name}/V1/products/{sku} (with a PUT) .

I am finding that in either case that when I do the update, a whole lot of other attributes (ones which don’t have a store specific value, but use the default [store 0] value) get the store 0 value copied into the database as the value for the particular store, and get “Use Default Value” switched off. I have found a similar (but not identical) problem at Magento 2.3 use default value problem admin, but it is not clear whether this refers to something that still applies to Magento 2.3.

Any help would be much appreciated!