Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Running Ubuntu in VirtualBox on a 4k monitor feels extremely laggy


  • Host OS: Windows 10
  • Guest OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 (of course, I’ve installed the VirtualBox guest package in the guest OS)
  • 3D acceleration enabled in VirtualBox, 128MB (max) video RAM
  • Host specs: Intel i5-8400, 16GB RAM


  • input lag
  • visual lag
  • screen tearing when dragging windows
  • everything generally slow

I remember years ago, on a much worse PC, I could run a Linux VM through VBox that would feel snappy. Now I’m trying to run Ubuntu on a better PC and everything has enormous input and visual update lag.

The only difference might be that I now have a 4K monitor? However, I’ve set Ubuntu’s resolution to 1080p, and am running it in scaled mode as a window. I get slightly more acceptable performance in fullscreen mode.

What could be the cause of this?