Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Sending Keystrokes/Macro to a connected device?

Currently I’m trying to automate a bit of work I’ve been handed. Basically, it’s a device where I need to put in the same values over and over again, though with a variable for it (Serial and MAC).

For all intents and purposes, I have a fully fleshed out macro for all the keystrokes I’d need to do via AutoHotKey, but the hurdle I’m hitting is getting the information to the connected device. There’s no openable console (though it does accept peripheral inputs via keyboard and mouse) and, to be honest, I’m a massive massive noob when it comes to a lot of this stuff. I’m aware enough to get to where I am with some basic scripting knowledge but more network or hardware level specifics aren’t really my field.

I can connect to the device via Ethernet as well as USB to USB (sort of, I can see it connected and can do a bit of browsing though it’s files but no direct interaction, think like a phone you’ve plugged in. I also know it doesn’t play well with applications or software being loaded on to the device). There’s also stages where I can’t do peripheral input and it requires me to interact with it’s touch screen.

If there’s a free/cheap solution to this, that’d be ideal. I’m getting to that point of realizing that the simple sounding question of “How do I send keystrokes to this device from a laptop” is becoming increasingly difficult to answer.