Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Shared folder in an Azure VM is not reachable by name on another VM

I have two VMs in Azure, one Windows Server 2019 and one Windows 10.
I am trying to share a folder on the C: drive of the Server 2019 VM so that it can be reached from the Windows 10 VM.

I am unable to access the shared folder from the Windows 10 VM when I browse to it by name in the File Explorer, i.e. \servernametestFolder. It says the folder doesn’t exist. I am able to browse to \servername, but it shows an empty drive.
However, I am able to access the contents using the internal IP address of the Server 2019 VM, i.e. \

What is happening here, and why is this the case? How can I make it to where I can see my shared folders when I access the server by name, \servername?