Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Shipping method rates list order from owebia

here is my issue

This is the magento template that print the shipping methods. All my shipping methods are printed properly, but not sorted in the order I want.
Looks like they are sorted by price from cheapper to the most expensive.

On my side I would like to keep the order as defined in my owebia conf.

In checkout I can see the method id_003 coming before id_001 when i would like the opposite.

So my question is : From magento file how can I act on the rates() data to sort it as I want…I’m always lost with knockout..thanks for assistance.

Owebia conf

                'carriers' => [
                    'owsh1' => [
                        'config' => 'addMethod('id_001',[
     'title'  => 'Colissimo 48h',
     'description' => ' Colissimo 48h',
     'enabled' => $request->dest_country_id == 'FR' && $quote->subtotal_with_discount_excluding_tax < 50,
     'price' => 4.90
->set('header', "Colissimo 48h not free")
->set('popup', "Colissimo 48h not free");

     'title'  => 'Colissimo 48h free',
     'description' => 'Colissimo 48h free',
     'enabled' => $request->dest_country_id == 'FR' && $quote->subtotal_with_discount_excluding_tax >= 50,
     'price' => 0
->set('header', "Colissimo 48h free")
->set('popup', "Colissimo 48h free");

     'title'  => "Pickup",
     'description' => "Pickup desc.",
     'enabled' => $request->dest_country_id == 'FR',
     'price' => 0
->set('header', "Pickup")
->set('popup', "Pickup");


<div id="checkout-shipping-method-load">
    <table class="table-checkout-shipping-method">
        <tr class="row">
            <th class="col col-method" translate="'Select Method'"></th>
            <th class="col col-price" translate="'Price'"></th>
            <th class="col col-method" translate="'Method Title'"></th>
            <th class="col col-carrier" translate="'Carrier Title'"></th>
            <!-- ko foreach: { data: rates(), as: 'method'} -->
                <!--ko template: { name: element.shippingMethodItemTemplate} --><!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->