Something overwriting some settings set in HKCR for image files

What I’m trying to achieve: Change the file type description that is shown in the explorer file type column, when creating a new file etc.

What I tried to do but failed: Until now, I have been doing this for other files (it worked for .xlsx, .docx, .pptx and .cmd) like this:

  1. Navigate to HKCR.theFileExtensionHere in regedit
  2. Check the value of (Default) (let’s call it valueOfDefault)
  3. Go to HKCRvalueOfDefault
  4. If it has a FriendlyTypeName value, change it to the description I want, and if it doesn’t, change the (Default) value to the description I want

The problem: When I tried to do this for .png, it didn’t change anything. I also tried to change .jpg, .jpeg, .ico and neither worked.

Other notes: I think that an app (probably Windows photos, since the file icon is the Win photos one) is somehow overwriting the settings. When I add a new key to HKCR, for example HKCR.png2 and give it all the same subkeys and values that are in HKCR.png, then create a file called image.png2, in file explorer, the file type shows up as what is set in HKCRpngfileFriendlyTypeName and the icon also changes to the one specified in HKCRpngfileDefaultIcon.

Can someone please explain to me what is happening and how can I get around it. Thanks in advance