Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Task Affinity on after starting with /affinity F on Amazon EC2 instance

I am trying to start an application with a specific affinity because I need it for some experiments. To achieve this, I am trying to set the affinity when starting the application. For this I use the command following the post here:

start /affinity F SnapperServer.exe 

However, when I go to Task Manager -> Details -> (Right click) Set Affinity and check if the affinity has been set, I can see that it is not, as shown here in the picture:

enter image description here

I am running the application on an Amazon EC2 instance and it is not starting with the affinity. However, if I start the command on my local computer, I can see that the affinity is set correctly. It seems for me to be a configuration problem with the EC2 instance and I will add the tag because of that. Does anybody know why this is the case ?