Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

The tab called HELP in Excel quits after a time. Only RESTART Excel fixes it

I’m running Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2306 Build 16.0.16529.20100) 32-bit.

And, on another computer:
Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2305 Build 16.0.16501.20074) 64-bit. Both have the same problem.

I get development work going with Excel and, eventually will need one of the HELP tab ribbon functions. Instead of getting the expected response, I get a message in the dialog that says:

Sorry, something went wrong.
Please check your network connection and try again.

The network connection is fine.
Microsoft has been no help – just a big waste of time trying obvious things that I’ve already tried.

Can someone please suggest something that might be done?
With or without Microsoft?
It looks like a software bug.
I have uninstalled Office and reinstalled the latest version more than once.