Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Too many redirects in Magento 2.3.3

I am trying to migrate a magento version 2.3.3 site / system from one server to another.

After doing everything I should do to complete the migration I am getting 302 as a server response once after another. A targeting loop. Follow the link: https://engravedrinks.cp02.alfasoft.pt/.

I have already tried some solutions such as changing the values of the config table core_config_data.

            path           |                   value
    web/seo/use_rewrites   |                     1
    web/unsecure/base_url  | http://www.engravedrinks.cp02.alfasoft.pt/
     web/secure/base_url   | https://www.engravedrinks.cp02.alfasoft.pt/
web/secure/use_in_frontend |                     1
web/secure/use_in_adminhtml|                     1
  web/url/redirect_to_base |                     0
   web/cookie/cookie_path  |                   NULL
  web/cookie/cookie_domain |                   NULL
 web/cookie/cookie_httponly|                     0

I looked into .htaccess to see if there was something that was redirecting and found nothing either. I leave the link to it here: https://pastebin.com/30LDUsb5

After thinking it was all right, I ran php bin / magento c: c. And perhaps another important piece of information, magento is using Redis for front and backend sessions and caching. The server I set up has a Redis server available but it is empty, magento can populate it from scratch.

Thank you in advance for any light.