Trouble Installing Windows on a Asus Zenbook 14 OLED Q409ZA

The context of the situation here is that after installing linux on my Laptop, I found that there are no drivers at the moment for the speakers. I tried for ten hours straight to find a solution but to no avail I though as a result I would just convert back to windows, but after plugging in the installation media and proceeding through the process, it says that I have no drivers available and refuse to let me advance any further. I looked to see that Asus has a support page for this problem but the drivers provided did no good and when using them it gave me a message on the windows installation screen that “No new drivers have been found” I’ve tried turning on and off the vmd option in the bios but that didn’t help.

The support page that I have used…

What I tried…
-Tried to use the drivers provided in the Asus support page
-Tried to enable and disable the VMD option in the bios

What happened
-The driver when used resulted in the message that stated that no new drivers where found

Here are some pictures of what Im seeing on my End!