Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Varnish cache missing in headers – Is it running at all? How to chek?

My apologies if that question is already asked – I searched thru all related questions but found a similar not exact match to my problem.

What is my set:

  1. Magento 2.4.3 running on Ubuntu 22.04 server with Apache 2
  • Magento is set to production mode

What I’ve done to try enabling Varnish:

  1. I’ve installed varnish on my Ubuntu server
  2. I’ve enabled the Varnish cache from Magento Admin Panel
  • Access list & Backend host is to be equal to my Server’s IP
  1. VCL file is exported to the varnish directory and replaces the default.vcl file (with the same name)
  2. I’ve restarted both Varnish and Apache services
  3. run Magento (compile, upgrade, cache clean, and static content deploy)

I follow that instruction https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/cache/configure-varnish-commerce

What I get as a result:

  1. Varnish cache is shown as running (after I check with systemctl status varnish)
  2. Magento store is running fine (both frontend and admin panel are accessible)
  3. Headers are not showing X-Varnish or X-Magento-Cache or anything different before the operation was executed

Attached you may find the result I get from curl -I -v –location-trusted mywebsite.com
enter image description here
I did not change the .vcl file that Magento exports (should I?)

If you need any more information I am glad to provide.
Please excuse my incompetence if there’s any (I am an amateur in this whole process)