Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

vlan setup in a multiplevlan environment

I’m in need of some help. As it come to networking i’m a rather noob as a software engineer.

In my homelab i like to tighten things up. I have installed opnsense and would like to split up my vm’s into multiple vlans.

vlan0 for basic stuff, a dev vlan, prod vlan, gaming vlan, and last but not least a logging vlan.

I already have setup vswitches and port groups in vmware esxi but i’m stuck on the logging vlan.

My initial plan was to give every vm a second vnic inside the logging vlan to send every logging/monitoring to grafan or nagios and stuff. However today I came to the conclusion that if every vm is inside a logging vlan all vm’s can still interact.

I don’t have any knowledge about vlan trunking, but what is a good option or best practice.

What I would like : some vms are in the specified vlans and every vm needs to be monitored and logs send to grafana?

I can setup routes between each vlan to the logging vlan is that an option?**