Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

When opening mpv via ssh only sound is heard but there is no window

I want to open the mpv player installed on a Windows computer by ssh but when I try to do it, only the audio is heard, but there is no window or image. To close it I have to kill the process from the task manager.


u/echo off

mpv Documentsvideo.mp4


My purpose is to open the player from the home assistant. With the same command from the Windows cmd the player opens perfectly, what could be happening?

From ssh:

ssh -i /config/.ssh_windows/id_rsa -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' john@ 'c:/_com/music.bat'


[vo/gpu/d3d11] Failed to create swapchain: A resource is not available at the time of the call, but may be later. (0x887a0022)

Could there be a similar error when you try to ssh into Linux without export DISPLAY=:0 ? On windows how could I do this same thing?