Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Why does Goggle search instead of going straight to the url I enter [closed]

I didn’t even want to be a superuser, but in order to answer an issue raised, I had to join. Once I joined, I was told, “Oh, this is an active question. You have to have points to answer it. I would not have joined had I known that up front, but this, like the question I wanted to answer, is typical Goggle. The question was with regard to entering a url and Goggle using it to search instead of opening the site (which is stupid; if I have the url, what would I be searching for). My response was going to be that Goggle does this all the time: make a change, then instead of giving you an option to use it, they make it almost impossible to opt out. But I have a solution that works all the time: I use DuckDuckGo almost always. BTW, please kill my unwanted membership; you will never see me again. Thank you Oh, oh: in order to use my tags, I have to have 300 reputation. The tags were going to be superuser, integrity, stupidity. I guess Goggle doesn’t like that. So much for freedom of speech. Wow “Superuser Issue” does not meet Goggle’s quality standards for a title.