Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Why doesn’t zuluCrypt let me unmount my device from the terminal when the GUI works?

No matter what path I provide, it gives the same nonsensical error. The manual doesn’t explain anything.

sudo zuluCrypt-cli -q /run/media/private/a/sde1
ERROR: Required option( device path ) is missing for this operation

sudo zuluCrypt-cli -q /dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-1000-NAAN-sde1-2599965352
ERROR: Required option( device path ) is missing for this operation

sudo zuluCrypt-cli -q /dev/sde1
ERROR: Required option( device path ) is missing for this operation

What does it want? I’ve given it every cryptic path related to the USB stick, as shown in zuluCrypt itself and in df. Nothing is apparently good enough.

If I right-click it in the zuluCrypt GUI and select “Unmount”, it unmounts it without errors. need to do it from the terminal (automated).

PS: The only reason I don’t use VeraCrypt is that Debian doesn’t have it in its APT repository, and I would have to manually install and maintain it if I used it instead of zuluCrypt.