Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Why (or when) did Ctrl+[ stop working as a way type the ESC control code in Windows Command Processor (cmd.exe)?

I have a virtual machine with an up-to-date Windows 11 (ver reports Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.1265]). When I press Ctrl+[ in a Windows Command Processor (cmd.exe) session nothing happens.

When I revert to the clean install snapshot of the VM (where ver reports Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.525]) pressing Ctrl+[ types the ESC control character (rendered as ^[ by Windows Command Processor).

The same is true for Ctrl+I to type TAB (rendered as ^I). Other combinations (such as Ctrl+D) still work.

Did one of the many changes I made to my Windows installation perhaps disable this feature, or was it disabled by an update?


I noticed that disabling the Console Window Host option Enable Ctrl key shortcuts does enable the use of Ctrl+I to type LF, but does not enable the use of Ctrl+I to type ESC.

Also, the observed behaviour is the same for a session hosted by Console Window Host (conhost.exe) and Windows Terminal (wt.exe).