Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Windows 10 Reset PC cannot erase TPM

I have a Dell Inspiron 15 – i7559 laptop with windows 10. I am trying to reset the PC completely, with all the settings, hard drive completely refreshed.

I am doing it from the BIOS’s troubleshooting page. Because I cannot access my PC anymore. It is blocked at the profile password input page here below enter image description here

If I click on “set up my PIN”, it brings back to this page, so I couldn’t not set a new PIN.

When I reset it from BIOS, the resetting process stops at this step: enter image description here

When I press F12, it undoes the resetting and goes back to the “set up my PIN” page. If I press ESC, the same thing happens.

I wasn’t able to find a similar situation as mine from my research. Most people had the issue of after pressing F12, nothing happened. I am positive that my F12 key works properly, because I connected an old USB keyboard, and by pressing the F12 with a keyboard, the same issue happened.

I just want to reset this PC to factory setting, erasing TPM does not matter to me. How should I reset it?