Search in C:UsersKomninosDownloads not showing any results in Windows Explorer.
Same issue for Pictures, Documents, Downloads.
I recently moved them from D , but I doubt that was it.
They have the files in the, it just won’t quick search.
The quick search is not working for Downloads, Pictures, Documents folders, which are the ones I moved from D to C last week. It works in other folders in C:UsersKomninos for example C:UsersKomninosDesktop
I tried disabling Indexing and enabling it after it finished that, still no search on those folders I moved.
Strangely the quick search works on the old drive location (I copy pasted, not moved files).
Rebuild index did not help.
If I move the folders to another location, for example D:UsersKomninosPictures then Search works again.
If I move it back to C:UsersKomninosPictures then Search doesn’t work.
Even if I move it to C:Pictures the Search still does not work.
So it’s like C: drive does not want to search Pictures, Documents, Downloads anywhere on it, but it does search other folders just fine. And these folders are able to Search when I put them on other drives.