Time stamp example:
Ubuntu 20.04.3 command below works, displaying
- Directories and
- Files and
- Hidden files with:
Permissions, Time_Day, f or d, Path/fileName with
find . -printf "%M %TY%Tm%Td_%TT_%Ta %Y%pn" |sort -k2 ;
Sort by time, column 2.
Most recent files at bottom, 4 examples:
-rw-r--r-- 20211001_13:02:16.0000000000_Fri f./Bash/awkCommnads.txt
-rw-r--r-- 20211013_06:22:12.0000000000_Wed f./.HiddenFile_1.txt
drwxr-xr-x 20211018_14:51:42.1712136500_Mon d.
drwxr-xr-x 20211018_14:54:54.0596445490_Mon d./Bash
Said differently,
How to get 32 byte md5sum checksum for each file,
on Left side of above List that is sorted by time?
123456789T123456789w123456789Y12 -rw-r--r-- 20211001_13:02:16.0000000000_Fri f./Bash/awkCommnads.txt
Once md5 works then sha512sum.
Tip for testing:
setterm -linewrap off ; find . -printf "%M %TY%Tm%Td_%TT_%Ta %Y%pn" |sort -k2 ; tput smam ;
For testing, one line per record, No Line wrap:
setterm -linewrap off ; Commands... ; tput smam ;
tput smam ; = linewrap on
With a time sorted List, How to insert a checksum for each file?