Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

join a fork with the original branch with no fork information left

I have a repository on github (/foo/myproject). and under another name I made a fork (bar/myproject) some time ago.
I recently made a mistake and the old commits were removed from the master origin. I decided to start again. I’m going for commit 15. And I remembered bar/myproject. I cloned it. Now I have two folders.

git clone https://github.com/foo/myproyect # 15 new commits (1 master origin) 
git clone https://github.com/bar/myproyect # 50 old commits (before 15)

How do I integrate bar/myproject to foo/myproject without leaving information from bar user?

PD: what interests me the most is keeping the complete commit history in master origin and then delete bar