Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Can’t open two files at the same time using “open *”

I am trying to open two files with the same filename prefix at the same time using `open *. Here is a demonstration:

mathewlewis@mathewlewis-ThinkPad-X220:~/Documents/bug/testing$ touch asdf1.txt asdf2.txt
mathewlewis@mathewlewis-ThinkPad-X220:~/Documents/bug/testing$ open asdf*
xdg-open: unexpected argument 'asdf2.txt'
Try 'xdg-open --help' for more information.
mathewlewis@mathewlewis-ThinkPad-X220:~/Documents/bug/testing$ open asdf1.txt
mathewlewis@mathewlewis-ThinkPad-X220:~/Documents/bug/testing$ open asdf2.txt 

As you can see in the above, I can’t open both files at the same time, but I can open them individually fine. In case this is relevant, I have set my default text editor to sublime text. Also I am running ubuntu version 22.04 as you can see in the following:

mathewlewis@mathewlewis-ThinkPad-X220:~/Documents/bug/testing$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Release:    22.04
Codename:   jammy

I am able to use * to do many commands at the same time usually. For example, I can do cat asdf* to print both files, however open won’t work this way. I am new to linux and am coming from mac where this is possible. I’d like to know why I can’t do this on ubuntu and how I can fix this.